Thursday, May 13, 2010

Should the legal age for sex be raised to 21 to avoid teenagers-children themselves-from having children?

the government encourages teenage pregnancy by giving them the lifestyle only lottery winners can only afford , i don't think age limit is relevant ............:)Should the legal age for sex be raised to 21 to avoid teenagers-children themselves-from having children?
no that's retarded

the biological age for people to get the sexual urge is around 13 or 14 years old

the law should realise this fact and deal with it

how can you say to people you have the urge but you mustn't do any thing about it until a few year later?

you will never stop human beings who are biologically ready to have sex from making love.

sorry - I'm not talking about child molesters i am only talking about those who are biologically ready to mate 13/14 plus. you will never stop it way back in the 1950s it happened they were called gym slip mums

go even further back in time the average age to marry was around 13.

to days laws are out of sync with natureShould the legal age for sex be raised to 21 to avoid teenagers-children themselves-from having children?
I think this kind of question misunderstands the reasons teenagers are getting pregnant. They get pregnant because they're a raging ball or hormones and they're told to ignore them, but that isn't going to happen. I think the important thing to recognize here is that sex is a natural and organic process. Telling people they can't do it isn't going to stop them because they have natural urges to do so.

If you want to stop teen pregnancy, what you want to focus on is better sex ed. so that when people do have sex they know how to have sex safely and use contraception properly. If anything, it might be better to lower the age of consent because that would allow sex ed. to be taught at an earlier age so that teenagers understand how not to get pregnant. It would also allow slightly more guidance from teachers in terms of what situations people have sex in. So instead of teenagers having sex whatever way they can get it, you could focus on teaching them to be responsible and encourage them to have sex in meaningful relationships, rather than just random encounters. The reason I say that is that if they're having random sexual encounters, it may be impromptu and unprepared for. But if you teach them that sex is ok and that it's a natural part of a relationship, they're more likely to prepare for it properly. That in conjunction with earlier sex ed. would be the most effective ways to stop teenage pregnancy.

Considering the alternatives they learn from (MTV, TV, etc...), it's best to get to them as early as possible so that they understand what the sexual messages they see on tv are and so they understand that's not a healthy or desirable view of sexuality (';pimpin and whorin'; or whatever).
No, because that would be putting the cart before the horse. You can't keep on changing the rules, and besides which who is going to police it. Better sex education, at a much earlier age, and show the little dears explicitly the consequences of under age sex. Its no good anymore saying well we have the highest rate of teen pregnancies, perhaps it should be the government looks into the reasons behind it, and believe me alcohol and peer pressure make a huge impact
The legal age is 16 now and there's still 13%26amp;14 year olds (even younger aswell I think) having sex so hasn't made any difference. Better education is the key I think. I was pregnant at 18,understood the consequences of having sex and have an even better life than before because I now have a responsibility to look after my child and get a good career behind me, so just because you're young and get pregnant doesn't mean you're irresponsible and not able to cope. unfortunately its the minority that spoil it for the majority regarding the perception of teenage mums.
I agree it wouldn't matter if you raised it to 75.

Also, though teenagers aren't ready to become parents, that doesn't make them children..

Just a glimpse into the kind of work Margaret Meade did on maturing, and feeling sexual beyond age 12, and the acceptance of sexual practice in other cultures at younger ages reminds us it's a mattter of culture. When your hormones start kicking in, you become sexually aware, and when they go wild, it's ridiculous to consider yourself a child anymore.

You have to remember too, maturing can begin earlier, and some people never mature. Someone's age is no indicator of maturity.
The legal age of smoking is 18 and the legal age of drinking is 21 and drugs are illegal for everyone. Does this stop teens from any of these activities?

When will we learn that making more laws doesn't stop behavior (like gun laws) and get back to parents teaching children morals and personal responsibility.
I don't think it would have much of an effect--the girls who are having babies now under the age of 20 are in some cases ignoring the law which says they have to be 16.

A better use of effort I think would be 1) make the lives of kids (both urban and rural) who live in areas with high rates of teen pregnancies more meaningful and 2) figure out why kids are starting puberty earlier (growth hormones in livestock?)

As an aside, I think the voting, drinking, and military service age should all be the same. (It's absurd that you can kill and die for your country, vote for its leadership, but not buy beer).


For a two reasons.

1.) Legislating things like how people should handle thier bodies never really works. People will do what they want even if there are laws about it. You can't legislate morality or life choices. Should the Government really be able to make blanket laws about life choices in a free country, especially in regards to having kids? Everything is individual and NO law will cover all the circumstances. It would be much more prudent to offer comprehensive sex ed, free birth control and support for young men %26amp; women in crisis.

2.) People love to ignore biology when it comes to baby making. One of the (but certianly not the only) reasons the West has such a high infertility rate. People (mostly women)are waiting until their bodies are past the prime times to have healthy pregnancies. Some experts estimate the average age for decreasing chances of fertility begin at 27! Pregnancies in the 30's and 40's pose more health risks to both mother and baby.

Would you propose to put a law into place also making it illegal for a 45 year-old to attempt to concieve?

I DO NOT CONDONE teen pregnancy, however I also think placing a limit - especially on childbearing in EITHER direction age-wise - would be placing even greater strain on our already stressed and damaged idea of ';family'; and how people should go about making them.

Interesting question though.
To be honest it doesn't really stop people. If they want to have sex, people will have sex regardless of what age they are. There needs to be more awareness and parents need to be more open with their children about sex and stop treating it as a tabboo subject. That way people wouldn't be scared or worried about buying condoms or going on the pill because of what people think.
I don't think it should be raised to 21. I had my first child at the age of 19. You could say my husband and I were more mature than most. we have been together for almost 8 years now and have 2 beautiful children. no one can decide if someone under 21 isn't fit to be a parent. mistakes are made and most learn from them, but how do you learn from mistakes if you never make any? not saying go have sex to see but leave it up to the parents and their children to decide.
i dont think that would make much difference do you............. the legal age is 16 but how many silly teenagers are going out getting preganant before that already. and the fact they are breaking the law does not bother them at all.

Perhaps all these parents who's tarty kids %26amp; the parents of the boys doing it should be taken to court and fined. An then between them they should be made to pay for their keep.
No, it wouldn't work and as the age at which you can legally be married (with parental approval) is 16, it is totally impractical. We need to bring many things into line. You can go into the army and die fighting (as two 19 year olds did recently) but can't have a fag or a drink or sex.


For people who want to do whatever they want, they'll do it.

Drugs, for example, are ILLEGAL. PERIOD. And yet there are hundreds of thousands of people doing drugs everyday.

Smoking is illegal for people under 19 (in Utah) and yet so many teenagers smoke anyway.

Child pornography and human trafficking is completely, aside from being illegal, forbidden and intolerant and yet there are so many cases of abduction for this sadistic crime.

Underage alcohol consumption is also illegal, and I've known people who've been drinking since 14.

If anything, making it illegal would cause an adolescent uproar and rebellion-when teenagers are told that they CAN'T do something, then they typically do just that, and in some cases, take it as far to the extreme as possible.

So no, I don't think that making it illegal would be beneficial, but hey, at least you're trying to stop it!
No, that would be like a police state! That said... kids shouldn't be having sex! And especially unprotected.

Now, here's too much information for ya... but I waited until I was married... I've been married for 13 years and going strong... My husband waited too!

It can be done and you can have a great marriage. Don't give yourself away too early kids! And don't have kids, kids!

There's my sermon for the day!

Peace, Love, Light...
trust me it will not stop anyone!!

my parents drilled it into my head to use contreception and this is the second time ive been pregnant now

it will never change anything...what they need to do is get people who have been through abortions and sti's at a young age to come in and talk to young people.
That would probably have a similar effect to the age for consuming alcohol being 18 NONE at all.

Why do people think that legislation has the effect of stopping anything where the practice is common it has little or no effect mobile phones in cars is another classic example.
no because i don't think it would change anything.

i know areas where there is a lot of teenages pregnant and they do so even under the legal age. way before the legal age. i know people that did it at age 11.

allough i can't think of something that would work i personally don't agree
that's way too farfetched. no national age of consent in my opinion would be any good. there's not a single good way to write into law because there's so many factors. main being what age is considered mature. what about elders and teachers. what about the facts girls go through puberty before boys. take all that into account and people hold different views
what is wrong with you, since when is having sex a bad thing obviosuly gepaerdizing your life by getting pregnant isnt a very smart move, but punishing all those who enjoy sex for that, what kind of inhuman, way of thinking is that, what is wrong with you
Even if they did this , teenagers would still be having sex. they don't obey the law now let alone if they raised it to 21. BTW, im 20 and married since i was 19, that means if the legal age was 21 i couldn't have sex with my husband?
yeah, because that would work! we would just have even more people in jail lol. besides, even though some teenagers aren't fit to be parents, that doesn't mean that all 21 year old or over people are. it depends on the individual, although i don't think anyone under 16 should ever have kids
It's not really something that can be regulated. It's not the government's responsiblity to control this. It's the parent's responsiblity to teach children what they should know about responsiblity and reproduction.
No, for the simple reason, it won't work. Children as young as 12, 13, 14 are having sex and getting pregnant. We need more education and work with families to try and get the message across.
Only if you believe the only point of sex is to have babies!

What's really needed is an understanding of what sex means to young people and why they do it, plus good sex education and support both at school and at home.
Sex clinics offer school children condoms and

morning after pills to hundreds of schools in England.Parents are not informed by most of them

From an article in todays Daily Express.Taken from

results from the Sex Education Forum.
no, we should lower the legal age of adulthood to 16. If you are old enough to drive, then you are old enough to be driven.

Laws don't fix problems. Drugs are illegal, but we still have plenty of drug atticts.
I raised the age of sex for my two teen daughters to ';when you get married';.

One is 18, the other is 13 and both are following dad's orders.
How can you deny people of the most natural act in a human being? Seems we have a few fun spoilers in tonight. Or are they just jealous? 16 is an o.k. age.
maybe the government should force parents to put their daughters on the pill until they are a legal adult, they force vaccines, right?
I think maybe the parents should keep there kids from having sex. Now I don't mean for them to lock them in the house but there are ways to keep them from doing it.

But I'm jus thinking out loud.

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