Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Why do teenagers get embarrest of their parents?

sorry, i forgot how to spell embarrest. i forgot because i haven't been writing over the weekend! yah,........i forgot!!Why do teenagers get embarrest of their parents?
This reminds me of the story of a mom and son who went to the beach. The mom lay out in the sun reading her book and the boy pretended he didn't know her and wouldn't have anything to do with her.

Then later he came up and wanted some money for something to drink. The mom said to him, sorry, I don't give money to strangers!Why do teenagers get embarrest of their parents?
because we're supposed to be independent. i don't have a job, im 17 and kind of embarrased, but with california's bad economy, ppl understand. but i guess people will talk if the teen is seen still getting stuff bought for them at the mall.

its all about independence
I'm embarrassed of my parents, because, well.....they're embarrassing! Plus to be honest some of us teens are rather self-absorbed and don't want to be associated with our parents' socially inappropriate behavior.
I find they only tend to get embarrassed when parents try way too hard to appear 'hip' or something. Mind you I've never really been embarrassed of my parents, but I'll admit my mom has been crazy embarrassed of me.
Because parents tend to say or do embarrassing things?
well some people's parents dress funny. and they try to be cool with young people.
Because alot of kids these days are stupid. They act like they are royalty. When they are only pawns in the game of life.
idk....but im not embaressed of my mom and dad becaus they are like the best parents in the world
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