by the age of 20 they should have matured a bit..
also raise the drinking age to 21 at the least.
old people would certainly feel safer in theyre homes and on the streetShould the government issue a curfew for teenagers ?
Most cities have curfews for teenagers alreadyShould the government issue a curfew for teenagers ?
I absolutely disagree with this. The government is not a baby-sitter, and it's not a parental entity. The government has absolutely no jurisdiction over something like that, and for it to impose such a curfew would be highly unconstitutional.
Second, I completely disagree with the logic that a curfew would significantly decrease crime. Instead, we would most likely have a new ';taboo'; of teenagers being out late, which would entail more crime than before.
John Shaw
Independent Candidate
Florida House of Representatives
Well when you use your brain for a second you might come to the conclusion that that would cost the governement a heap of money to make and pay mor eon duty police officers.
Most crimes that teens commite are graffeti and vandilism etc. These can also be done in the middle of the day. It just wouldnt make a difference. So in reality it would cost more to make and inforce a curfew then to repair the damages. Instead of limiting teenagers and makeing ther elives just plain miserable. Why dont they just make more recreational activities so that teens dont have to resort to vandilism?
There is a curfew for teenagers here in my town right now. And the drinking age here in the states IS 21, dunno what it does for the crime rate but a kid can be taken home if they are out after curfew without an adult if a cop catches them, or if someone spots them and notifies the police. Don't think it would stop any crime really, as much of the crime here is done by people already considered adults, and a good amount of crime takes place in broad daylight.
no that wouldn't be a good idea. You're stereotyping everyone in that age group. The teenagers that do stay out late and break laws aren't likely to care.
here in the states the drinking age is 21 but in many parts of the world it is lower. I think they need a more laid out system. Not just restrict alcohol from kids completely and then let them drink whatever they want at 21. That's why drinking is abused by many people.
drinking age in the US is 21.
my family lives in the middle of no where so yeaaaah i dont think theres a curfew here lol.
but seriously tho, that will make them rebel more in the day. i would know. who says that they wont go in their room with a bottle of beer or whatever and lock their door? (not something i have done).... who says they wont go and spraypaint stuff? (that one i have done... lol)
but its not gonna help, it will make it worse.
maybe for young teenagers who should be in for school the next day and stuff but not for older teens because some people work in the evening, not all teens are bad, just some that give the rest a bad reputation and i think it would be horribe to stop the good ones going out and working
No. It's just another excuse to defer parents' responsibility. Adults commit crimes too. Crimes occur during the day. People don't magically change when you turn 20. The reasons for a curfew are flawed. We need fewer laws, not more. The more laws, the more of a police state we become.
Maybe just for juvenile delinquents and criminals. Real troublemakers would still be able to find someone over 25 to get them out of the house. This is a free country and I don't want the governement telling me what time to have my children home... when I have them.
No, its not a decision the government should make, that is a parents decision until a child is 18. After that they should be able to decide for themselves.
ok. . no... they would partner with adult and do worse crimes.. Plus who are you to tell an 18 year old they can't go out? As for the drinking age.. most states they have to be 21 just to get into the club.
Here drinking age is 21 years old. Curfews are set for anyone under the age of 18. There is still teenage crime as teenagers sneak out or some parents just don't care and let their kids run the streets but there are curfews.
I'm a teenager, and I say, yes. Plus, I'm sick of drunk sluts walking around and making a bunch of noise in my neighborhood at night.
Parents who took responsibility for their children would reduce frivolous government spending AND the crime rate.
If teenagers get a curfew, everyone should.
Who would stick to it?
they have to.
First of all, the federal minimum age for the consumption ( that means drinking, in case you aren't familiar with the term) of alcohol and it's legal purchase IS 21- and has been ever since the 1970's, when public awareness of the tragedies caused by drunk drivers reached an all time high. MADD was founded during that time, and one of the first things the group did was to lobby Congress to get the federal drinking age raised to 21- and they were very successful at this. That mandate has stood for over 30 years now, and it's still in effect today. 21 is the legal drinking age in the United States- and I expect that it will remain so for many decades to come.
As for the issue of curfews, I will remind you that MANY communities across the country DO INDEED HAVE curfews which teens must obey, or face fines and jail time. I LIVE in one of these communities, as do most people I know- and most of the time, the curfews work well and serve their intended purpose, which is primarily to keep kids off the streets at night and out of trouble. But curfews can only be legally imposed on people under the age of 18, regardless of where that person lives. As long as we consider 18 to be the age of adulthood, then there will always be issues with curfews or the lack of them. And incidentally, most of the violent crimes which occur are usually committed by people in THEIR 20's, NOT teenagers. This group of people are NOT subject to curfews because of their ages- and because they are ADULTS in the eyes of the law. At some point, young people have to be allowed to grow up and take responsibility for their own behavior- and imposing curfews on young adults is NOT the way to teach them to be self reliant and able to discipline themselves.
I disagree with the idea that the government should be issuing a curfew for teens- it's NOT the government's place to discipline our nation's teen population. That responsibility belongs to the schools and to the parents, as well as to other groups, such as the churches and religious organizations. Besides this, even if the government DID impose a curfew on teenagers, WHO WOULD ENFORCE such a law, and HOW WOULD THIS BE DONE? We live in free society, and I would not like to see a day when teenagers who are coming home from a late basketball game or school dance are arrested as they leave the parking lot for violating a federally mandated curfew. These kids will have done nothing wrong, other than attend a basketball game that went into overtime. SInce WHEN IS THAT a crime, I'd like to know??? Ditto for something like a school dance or prom night. Arresting teens who are leaving from the prom ( which in some districts is STILL HELD on the night before Commencement Day) is HARDLY GOING to have any impact on the overall crime rate- and it is going to invite LAWSUITS from both the students involved and their parents. Do you understand what I am getting at here? While the government's imposing a federally mandated curfew on America's teens might sound like a good idea in theory, in reality it's TOTALLY IMPRACTICAL and UNENFORCEABLE. IT JUST WOULDN'T WORK, no matter what you might think. Placing reasonable limits on when teens can work or be out at night is a much better solution, and works far better than what you are suggesting in your question. I know several teens who are governed by the local curfews in our community, in fact- and NOT ONE of them has ever been involved in criminal activity. They go to school, they work ( all of them have part time or summer jobs, or BOTH) they play sports, and they pose NO THREAT to anyone whatsoever. Sometimes, these kids are out late- but when this is true, they ALWAYS have a legitimate reason for being so, such as work or a late athletic event at school, or a dance ( such as the Homecoming dance last fall, for example) and they all have rides home- or they drive themselves because they have cars of their own. If these kids had to obey an arbitrary government mandated curfew, then I think we would see far more problems with them than we currently do.
I don't know what the situation is in your community, but I would imagine that something similar exists where you live- you just don't realize it's there because of all the bad publicity that teens who commit crimes get in the media. Those teens are actually in the minority- the great majority of kids that age ARE LAW ABIDING. By using the few kids who do commit crimes as an example, you are basically saying that all teenagers are potential criminals, which EVERYONE KNOWS IS NOT TRUE.
Interesting question !!!
Edit: To Representative Shaw: I completely agree with you- you are correct when you say there is no logic in the idea of the government's imposing a curfew on teens. THERE IS NO LOGIC IN IT, and I also agree that the constitutionality of such a move is highly questionable at best.
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