Thursday, December 31, 2009

What do teenagers as friends do together in and out of school?

well me and my friends shop, go swimming, walk around town and talk non-stop, plan a sleepover or something, boy hunting.

in school basically talk.

hope this helps

xWhat do teenagers as friends do together in and out of school?
In school:

We usually just talk and stuff. But we also generally mess around, fight, and during class we see how much we can wind up the teachers and stuff.

Out of school:

Usual social thing is to go into town and watch a film, get something to eat and do a little bit of shopping. With the few of my friends that actually do sport, we often go and play a game of tennis or badminton or go for a bike ride (and so on). With my closer friends, we go round to each other's houses and play video games- but that's not very common anymore.

I've also been to see a rugby match with a few friends, and will be going to a concert with a few friends. We also plan to go see the Festival in Summer. When I'm older, however, me and my friends would love to go on holiday together, probably to the US. At the moment, though, nothing particularly exciting.What do teenagers as friends do together in and out of school?
hang out
talk... have fun.. ??
Go on Myspace, Bebo, Facebook, catch up on Homework, talk on the phone, go the mall, meet up, tell each other if you have any problems, etc etc.

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