I think it's absolutely disgusting when I see tenagers having kids, it shows that they can't take responsibility. And then they end up single and then they think they're gonna be good parents even if they'll just ruin their own life'sWhy are teenagers so proud of being pregnant?
I completely agree - it is one of the most disturbing factors in this world. They gloat and act like it is the greatest thing in the world.
Their parents of daughters ought to be ashamed they raised proud sluts and the parents of sons should have taught them to keep it in their pants or at least put a rubber on it.Why are teenagers so proud of being pregnant?
I've known lots of ppl young and old that shouldn't have been aloud to have kids. It depends on the person. You can't generalize all teen mom's as being slutty and ignorant. They got themselves into a less than ideal situation, and that baby is coming into this world. They should be the very best they can be, it won't be easy but it can be done. No sense in shaming them, they will find out the realities very soon, and hopefully they will grow into very good parents.
Wow you've just managed to group everyone as the same. Yes you get teenagers who are immature and can't take the responsibility and end up single and ruining their lives but then you get teenagers who are better parents then older women. Age has nothing to do with being a parent, look at all these parents in the news that are in their 30's who are in court for beating up their children or leaving them with an abusive adult.
My partner works in a school and has heard teenagers say that they don't need to go to school cos they'll just have kids and live off the benefits which annoys me but you also get people in their mid 20's/30's who think the same.
I watched a programme about a blind couple who said on tv that they only had children so they had someone to look after them which is horrible, that is not a reason to have kids and they were in their 30's. At least most teenagers when they get pregnant want the child for the sake of the child not so they have someone to look after them.
Well, not all teenage pregnancies result in ';ruined life's';.
I know it is disturbing to see these young girls making such hard, adult decisions. We all know they are not with the love of their lifes and will end up single. but compassion goes a long way when dealing with girls in this situation. I have seen many ';step up'; and become very good mothers. Very rarely do you hear a mother say that a child ruined her life. It changes your life..in many ways. Some of them hard hard changes...but to say it ';ruins'; it..is harsh.
Also I think that teenage girls who are pregnant may appear ';proud'; to you, because they are trying to be strong in the face of such harsh judgement. None of us are perfect and a unplanned pregnancy puts our questionable decisions on display to the world. This makes many girls get defensive and hard. The best thing to do is see this as a decision that has already been made, and hope that the girl takes full responsibity to become a wonderful (single) mom to her child. Single moms need all the help, understanding and support they can get.
I'm a teenager.
And i've been trying for this baby with my partner for 2 years.
We're stable, and he has a good job. I just left mine because i've had so many miscarriages that my midwife recommended that i stayed home, just to be safe.
We're moving house in a few months time, and we're perfectly capable of looking after our child.
I agree that it is disgusting when people under the age of consent of children just to get housing/benefits, but i see no problem with anyone over the age, with a secure environment for a child to be brought up in, having children.
You are so ignorant, it's outstanding what a narrow minded idiot you are. Have you met every teen mother? Do you know all their circumstances? Who do you think you are? God? because you have absolutely no right to judge people, because I'm pretty sure you are not perfect. It's true that SOME teen mothers can mess up their lives and the lives of their children by becoming irresponsible mothers, but so can any adult REGARDLESS of their age. Wow I see your just a fan of stereotyping, someone with a weak mind who has obviously been influenced by the media. I hope one day your eyes are opened and you grow up.
Are you even a parent?
i think its their own choice, if they feel they can handle a baby well good on them. also when they are young they are teenagers and have a child they have more energy to look after the child and if they have a child they know the consequences of having a baby which is no partying until the child is old enough to look after itself.
Are you kidding me? Are you seriously kidding me? They walk around proud because they are pregnant?? Who the **** can not be proud and excited to have a baby, no matter the age. So we dont have the right to be happy we are having a baby just because we are young? Are you serious? So in your mind we arent aloud to be happy? Would it make you happier if we walked around in sorrow or just aborted our babies? Who are you to judge us!! You have no right! We have every right to be happy to be having a kid! What would you rather us just abort them? Sure it'll be tough but its worth it in the end! Obviously you dont have a kid because you wouldnt say **** like that! Lots of teenagers make GREAT mothers! You have no right to say we dont! And ya know what?! I've seen very very bad mothers that were adults! My mom used drugs and forced me to raise my newborn sister and toddler brother and I did a GREAT job and I was just 11-13! If I could do it I'm sure as hell that 16, 17, even 14 year olds can raise a child! You have no right to say that just because we are young means we wont make good mothers because its not true! Take a closer look around you! You dumb person. This is offensive to all teen mothers. I hate people like you!
this questions rediculous. why shouldnt teenagers who are pregnant be proud? so if someone whos 19 gets pregnant thats wrong but someone whos 20 gets pregnant thats fine? how the hell can you judge? im 18 and im 9 weeks pregnant, me and my partner have been together 5 years and we are not splitting up. alot of teenagers are better parents than their parents were to them so i think anyone who0 can judge someone for getting pregnant should just keep their opinions to themselves. posting a question like this in a place where people come to get advise and reassure themselves is so rediculous.
and another thing how can you blame a teenage parent for ';ruining'; their lives for their child a bad parent?! how?! thats what a parent does for god sake! i hope your not a parent.
I find people like you disgusting, its non of your business what anyone else is doing, there not affecting you and you dont know everyones individual circumstances.
I myself dont agree with all teen pregnancies but it is wrong to put them all into one group and to be such a ignorant prick!
There are bad mums who cant take responsibility in all age groups the same as there are good mums as well.
actually it can show that the DO TAKE RESPONSIBILITY. Obviously having the baby is harder than getting an abortion and they are trying to do the best they can. Yes there are some bad ones out there but there are also a lot of GOOD teenage parents out there. Maybe you should stop throwing stones cuz I am pretty sure you live in a glass house yourself
ok i have a few points to raise....
1. at least they decided to keep the child... even if the child gets adopted out. they have a chance at life.
2. a girl i went to school with gave birth in yr 12. she finished high school and went to uni - to prove a point to her son. is she stupid and ignorant. she worked really hard to make the most of her life, and make her son proud of her, and make him do well in school (as she had to take care of a child and she stuck it out)
i do know what you mean though, but it is not fair to judge them all that way
i second that! these girls need to be doing more homework and less sex. it is horrible. i feel bad for the children because their mom is only 14 or 15 and honestly they don't have a lot of opportunities to give things to these kids. my best friends mom had her when she was 14 then had her sister at 15. these girls lived poor had cock roaches never had clean clothes or good food. they lived on ramen noodles. now my best friend has to take care of her mom because her mom never grew up. its wrong. either wrap it up or don't do it.
umm, im a teenage parent and im super proud of it. Im going to college this summer and couldn't be happier. Plus i just got engaged last month. Get a life.....were proud to be parents because its a gift from GOD REGARDLESS of the age.
Plus im super im just as good if NOT BETTER the ADULT parents.
depends on the teen... some teens make great moms.. my friend got pregnant at 17, right before graduating high school.. and she didn't gloat or act proud either... but she's a great mom and her daughter is now 7 1/2 and a very sweet/smart/loving child... she even has a 3 year old girl now too.
a 12-15 year old is a different story... they cant even get a job to support a child... but even then I tend to keep my mouth shut and my opinions to myself.
I dont know you but i am guessing u are a sad old ugly cow who is just jelous as she has been unfortunate not to find her own happieness!
U are right, 13/14/15 year olds with children is probably a bad idea - but who are you to comment.
Get a life!
i totally disagree i was 19 when i got pregnant i am liviving with my bf we are very stable and i no we are better parents than a lot of parents that are older than us
That's CRAP. im 19 i have a 2 yr old i am 8 weeks pregnant. I AM STILL A TEENAGER. and i guarantee that i am a better mum than many out there who are not teenagers.
It shows that they don't have the faintest idea of what morals are. They have not been taught right from wrong or they have rejected it.
u r v right,actually they r getting grown up newly,so they think they can do anythg now,how stupid r they
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