Thursday, January 21, 2010

Anyone else ttc for ages, and feels low reading all these 'Am I pregnant?' from teenagers?

There are so many teenagers on here whove had unprotected sex, asking if they're pregnant. Ppl like me, who've been trying to conceive for 2 and a half years - makes me feel rubbish! Anyone else agree??Anyone else ttc for ages, and feels low reading all these 'Am I pregnant?' from teenagers?
Been trying to conceive for 17 months now. So, every time a teen says their pregnant, it breaks me heart. Plus, all my friends who are getting pregnant by accident is also killing me. I'm the one whose been with my partner for 7 years, and we want it. They've been with there partners for all of 6 months, and boom, they're pregnant. Its a killer. And yes, I'm jealous. It tears me up.

醿︹棪Female鈼︶儲Anyone else ttc for ages, and feels low reading all these 'Am I pregnant?' from teenagers?
I totally agree with you hun, it is SO unfair. They don't plan it and they get pregnant after a drunken shag with a guy they prob cant even remember.

Me and hubby been trying to conceive for over a year and half and i'm about to turn 35, and feeling like my time is running out.

This month i am trying to feel more positive, we have got an appointment at a local clinic to get help and i have ordered pre-seed from the internet (read really good reviews about pre-seed)

Maybe you should think about getting yourselves checked out?

Good luck hun, relax and it will happen i'm sure

Millions of baby dust to all ttc x
Well im 18 %26amp; im NOT trying to get pregnant, but i get what you mean,Its like are you serious little 12 year olds are popping out with babies.. Soooo many little hoes %26amp; parents not caring about their children.

If those were my children they would really get a A** woppen. After all as the parents we have the right to hit them when they do wrong. ESPECIALLY if they are old enough to be having sex,

%26amp; second they need to quit asking ';Am i pregnant'; online when they should be going to the doctor %26amp; check themselfs out A long with diseases check incase they caught something, They should also take a pregnancy test %26amp; go to their parents not us, we are not physic!

Well you can pray to God =D

God bless %26amp; Only God can make you have a baby soon =D
I'm 21 and I was just diagnosed with PCOS on May 29, 2009 so I know how you feel and I agree.

I'm in no position to be TTC right now, but later in life if someone close to me announces that they've accidentally been knocked up I'm sure I'll lose it.

Conceiving for me in the future might prove to be a difficult process so when these little girls pop up pregnant without trying it'll just make me upset. Actually it always has.
while i agree with you that there is too many questions like ''am i pregnant'- i completely disagree with you for pin pointing teenagers as the only 1s who ask this day in day out. yes, its heartbreaking when you are ttc and you probably do fel rubbish- but why do you even look at these questions? you will only become more bitter about your own situation and in turn, take it out on someone that has no control on your life. when you see these questions, move on! some people on here have stated that teenage parents basically have 2 options: get an abortion or live off the state. what a load of rubbish! i know plenty of teenage parents that haven't lived of welfare or had a free house (i was 1 of them). i think people in general should stop stereotyping teenage parents. it really riles me up, especially when there are those out there that are older and living off tax payers money!!!!!!!!!!!!
I agree! I have to say that I haven't been in your situation as I have concieved very quickly and had a gorgeous baby boy - but I was speaking to a friend about this not so long ago and I don't know what I would have done if it hadn't happened!! and I too said that I con't beleive the amount of unwanted pregnancies happen to those who (sorry to say) maybe don't deserve it and feel soooo sorry for all those people out there who are trying and would be amazing parents but jsut cant!!

Good luck honey I hope you get your wish soon!!
It's the questions about terminations that really get on my nerves. I just can't stand it that they can be so insensitive to post questions on abortions in the trying to conceive section where there are 1,000s of women like us who so desperately want to get pregnant.

I wish you lots of love and babydust and hope you get that positive test result soon! x
i completely agree!!

welcome to my world - my sisters in law were like that! they're now in their mid 20's with 7 kids between the 2 of them, each child is a result of a drunken 'mistake', where they 'forgot' to put a condom on, or 'forgot' to take the pill, therefore 'accidentally' missing a pill, and then they laugh about it!

it's a sad world we live in, these kids sometimes just do as a means of escape from their poor lives, they see a meal ticket, free food/accommodation/free money every week, when the rest of us pay for our honest living it makes me sick!

me and my husband have been ttc for 15 months, i have to have surgery to try to unblock my tubes, if that fails it's IVF, so it's awful for me having to see these things too, and it doesn't help with the family.

i know exactly how you feel honey, but i'm sure our times will come soon, just try not to stress about it!
Wow some of these answers are awful - very bitter.

I was one of those teens that fell pregnant by accident - it didn't mean I was a s*ut like some of these lovely ladies are saying. Me %26amp; Nick had been together for 3 years at this point.

I took my contraceptive patch off for my Dad's wedding (pictures) It went straight back on but I got pregnant in that time I guess.

When we decided to start TTC for our second, well it definately wasn't as easy the second time around. We were TTC for 16 months, with 3 very early miscarriages, and then we lost our little girl at 19 weeks pregnant - This WAS PURE HELL FOR ME!! So just because I concieved that easily at a young age the first time - doesn't mean that luck will stay with me forever.

This time - we concieved once we stopped thinking about it so much. It's easier said than done to take your mind off of TTC - but just think of it this way - there IS your baby waiting to be born someday. Think of each month is a month closer to meeting your baby rather than a negative of how long you have been waiting. Try it. You will be impressed. Good luck hun
they are not doing it to upset you or anything they just want reassurance. Im sure most people are mature enough to realise that some things in life are harder for some than others including having children. And why just teenagers?? surely it doesnt matter what age people are immaturity can go past just age you know. This question will just get slating comments about young people getting pregnant, its not going to help anyone is it?
Yeah , it makes me sick. I'm 26 my hubby is 29 and we have been trying for almost 2 years. We're seeing an RE and its looking like we are going to need some help getting pregnant. Go figure!
I'm not even ttc and it drives me mad. I'm aware of how much people try to get pregnant, I know how infuriating it is, and yet some of these idiots can't even be bothered to figure out how to put a sodding condom on. Why bother? If they keep the baby, they'll get plenty of welfare and free accomodation... if they don't... nhs abortion. It's a sad world we live in.
Well, many of those questions are troll questions so I wouldn't take them too seriously. And besides, being mad and jealous will not help you conceive any faster. Just be concerned with your own situation and your baby will come when he or she is supposed to.

Good luck to you :)
I am not TTCing BUT I completely agree with you mother nature got it wrong, you should take a pill to get pregnant not to prevent it, it would solve so many problems with unwanted pregnancies and would abolish the need for abortion.

Baby Dust xxx
Oh my gosh, it totally totally pisses me off! I don't even read ';Am I pregnant?'; or ';Could I be pregnant?'; questions. They should be playing with dolls if they want a baby, as far as I'm concerned. And putting on a condom isn't Rocket Science! Drives me BONKERS!! lol.

Been TTC for 14 months myself, so best of luck to you!
I AGREE TOTALLY!! its unfair how they don't even TRY, the little s**t's are old enough to drive and yet their poppin out babies!! most people who are trying to conceive means they are ready!! i want one so bad!!

good luck!!!
Pregnancy is REALLY easy as a teen.... I got pregnant super quick when I was 17 by accident (and then miscarried :(. And now that I'm *older* and out of college etc... i've been TTC for 9 months with zero success... Go figure.
After two and a half years it is time for you both to see the Doctor. He/She will take you into the next step, in the right direction.

the sheer fact they come on here thinking we are some sort of Clearblue pregnancy test makes me are we supposed to know????

And yes, it is very frustrating! But i know my little miracle will happen one day :)
it just doesn't seem fair when you see these young kids getting pregnant by accident, and makes me feel even worse when they worry about whether or not they should keep it!
yes i do. even though im only on my 6th month of trying it still makes me sad that really young girls have gotten pregnant only after one night of drunken unprotected sex. the worlds gone mad

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