Thursday, January 21, 2010

Why do parents find it hard to relate to their child even though they were once teenagers?

I need it for my class presentation on monday so answers fromn parents will be great help. thanks :)Why do parents find it hard to relate to their child even though they were once teenagers?
People don't remember every single detail and emotion from each moment of their lives. Also, our world and culture is always changing. What your parents went through is different than what you are going through. Expectations, behaviors, family dynamics, were all different when they were teens, so they don't really know exactly what you are facing and that is scary to them. Its like thinking of an old grandma who is scared of a computer, and has never touched one. Its just a new world to older people. Your teenage years are your developing years, and your environment greatly influences what you learn and know. Parents aren't mind readers either, and teenagers have complex issues and thoughts.Why do parents find it hard to relate to their child even though they were once teenagers?
well, teens are hard to understand even if you've experienced it before... i think that it's because once you grow up you start to think you have your own thoughts and ideas! and when you argue with your parents you always think that you have a good point to something. I am a teen right now! my mom and I always get into arguements and stuff but HEY! teens now-a-days they say the Darnest thigns. parents do get it but they just don't like to be talked back to and they are very stressful so they just always want themselves to be right.
Well for starters, I think that parents have a tough time relating to teens because now that they are grown up and have dealt with all the problems that come with being grown up - woring, job stress, financial stresses - we look back on our own teenage years and realize how silly it was to worry about what our friends thought of us or how cool our clothes are. We lose sight of the fact that while it was silly, it was important to us at the time. And now that it's not important to us, we stress how unimportant those things SHOULD be to our child...while forgetting that things like that are the center of the teen's universe.
Most of it has to do with the age difference. When we was growing up, things was so extremely different than it is now. For instance, if we talked back to our parents, got smart mouthed with them or didn't come home when we was told to come home, we got whipped and I do mean whipped bad. We didn't have sex like kids do now at such a young age. I know there was a few girls that did but not most of us. We just didn't disrespect our parents like kids do now in any sort of way. We was raised to work as soon as we could walk nearly and now days, kids are so lazy they won't even wash dishes or try to help with anything. They are too involved in playing games or text messaging on the cell phone. Plus, alot of parents can relate, they just don't want to because they don't want their kids to make the same mistakes they did when they was younger. I can relate to kids alot more than most parents because I live in the 21st Century and I am a counselor so it has helped me to always keep a open mind. It was hard for me growing up because I had a older brother and older sister and I was born late in my parents life. I was a surprise pregnancy. lol They was really strict on me being the baby and it was hard on me and I ran away more than once and lived with different families. They just didn't want me to turn out like my older brother and sister did but they wouldn't ever give me the benefit of the doubt that I wasn't like them and never would be. Hope this helps you out.
Not all of them do! I get along fine with my teens and can relate fine. They would even agree with me! I do remember being a teen, though I am now 51. I had sex in high school, so do not find it surprising my daughter does. But, there are times when they want to do something, or not do something that isn't wise and then we butt heads, because I do have the wisdom to know that it turns out badly. I have been there. You can learn from your parents mistakes, if they tell you about them. I know that at 17 a boyfriend of 25 really is too old! My mother told me, but I ignored her. If mine wanted to do the same, I would know that from experience, but they probably would think I was just being a mom. I guess parents have more experience and teenagers don't believe it is relevant. I know between my mother's generation and mine there was a huge difference in the way high school was and what was accepted behavior (like sex!) but between mine (70s) and now things are not that much different. Really. Ask your parents. They probably did what they are telling you not to because they learned the hard way and want to spare you that. I suppose a lot of parents would think I was a poor one, I am lenient and liberal. I don't find some things a big deal. Sometimes I worry about not worrying about things! Also, teenagers are and always have been emotional! They are learning. Parents might forget that. I don't know how they could though.
haha. That's a good question

I think it really does depend on the relationship between them. Like i'm in year 10 at the moment and my mum is 39 but we get along really well.

There has been times when i thought she just doesn't understand what it's like to be a teenager but after i sit down and talk to her about whatever is going on, i realize that she does get it.

It think it just depends on the situation too, because if your a rebellious teenager and you want to go out, get drunk and party and your parents say no, teens just do the whole ';they don't remember what it's like to be young!'; thing. But of course they do.

They probably remember very well what happened when they did that and are just trying to protect you from getting hurt or making big mistakes.

I actually don't find it hard to relate to my kids. I am only 27 and I have 3 kids. I remember exactly how I was and exactly what my relationship was like with my mom and dad. So everything they taught me from boys, to school, to survival and jobs I have carried with me. yes I did do stupid things they didn't agree with and yes I got in trouble but not as bad as I could have hey they have done worse than me. I know my kids will do stuff I don't but I will live with it and just try to be as close with them as I can. I want to relate to my kids because in this world they need a lot of support to get by.
I don't think I can't relate, I think I'm trying to teach from my own mistakes and keep my kids safe. Kids are the ones that don't think parents relate. They just want to do what they want to do without any rules or expectations.
It isn't hard for parents to relate to their teens, it is BECAUSE we were once teens ourselves that we appear to come down hard on our teens. Obviously you are not old enough to figure that out yet.
because they are no longer stupid teenagers. they know the ropes and all of the pit falls.
I am a parent and i don't find it hard to relate. Things are still the same.

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