I think that there are too many parents, such as my own, who would smack first and ask questions later. The only thing I ever got in trouble for, was beating up my brothers. So, I guess you understand what the lesson is. However, my 2 younger brothers were absolute hellions, and I watched them get theirs for a variety of things. Didn't seem to teach them anything.
On the other hand, while I agree that it is not effective as an every day punishment, it does have it's place. If you're child acts in a way such as to endanger themselves (i.e. running into the road) an open handed swat on the kiester prevents them from repeating the dangerous action. Also, there are cases in which a child is openly defiant. I think that if you refrain from corporal punishment for 99% of offenses, which truly are minor in consequence (i.e. lying, fighting with siblings, etc.), conveys a message, that when corporal punishment is used, that the offense must have been severe to have warranted such a reaction. Hopefully this can accurately convey to the child that such an offense can not be repeated.
Further, it took many, many years for me, a person who was spanked frequently (and witnessed many more), to learn not to react with force towards my own children. There are some people who have a more difficult transition. I don't think it should be outlawed, until there is more information available about it, and parents can be successfully rehabillitated.
Who wants to take care of all the seized children, if they do outlaw spanking anyway?Should corporal punishment of children and teenagers be outlawed?
As much as I'd like to see ignorant parents punished for spanking their children, NO I don't think it should be banned by law...It would cause too much unnescesary trouble. Besides I have no doubt that most spankers would continue regardless of the law...If they can ignore child psychologists, they can ignore the law.
I don't think it solves problems. It just humiliates the child... and without talking they don't really learn anything except to keep quite and to fear parents. But I don't think it should be outlawed. Please. Some kids really do need a spanking every once and a while, but i think talking, too, is important.
No, we have so many bratty kids who think the world owes them everything because they don't receive any consequence for their actions.
Kids need to learn that for every action there is a consequence and they are not learning that with today's society always wanting to put them in time outs.
No way. Then we would have SO many out of control adults. Spanking you child once in a while isn't going to hurt them any. Just giving me and my cousins a ';time out'; or making us ';think about what we did'; NEVER worked!
All those who say yes are going to have some out of control kids, and then wonder why they are grandparents at 30.
yes i do i may not be a parent but don't i know that it means nothing i mean c'mon haven't you heard of time out and grounding and maybe a smack in the face there are other ways besides hitting and spanking children
I think when young kids do something bad the parents should be investigated and punished! Parent mold their kids thats why its important to love on them and tell them and teach them good things all through their life... take their butts to church!
im sorry. but words dont teach kids anything when they are young. they remember pain better. look at some of the kids now. they dont get spanked. and now they are doing all kids of illegal stuff. but spanking should be limited still
it is up here(canada),if I remeber right...you can't hit a child and leave a mark....you can get your child taken away
Yes. Besides the death penalty, it is for adults.
No, otherwise you end up with spoiled brats.
it's the only way, our kids will grow up normal
No. So many could benefit from a good smack!
no. there is a time when nothing else works as well.
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