Tuesday, January 19, 2010

TEENAGERS and ADULTS: Do you still get excited about Christamas?

How old are you and don't you just miss when we were a kid and thought Santa was a real ';person';?TEENAGERS and ADULTS: Do you still get excited about Christamas?
Santa is real - he is the spirit of Christmas. (The feeling if you will)TEENAGERS and ADULTS: Do you still get excited about Christamas?
Christmas would be better if it weren't so commercial.

And, no, Santa isn't real; Why do people lie to themselves and their children like this??

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I'm 28 and I always look forward to Christmas.
I am 32 and yes I still get excited about xmas. The most reason is to be with my sisters and family and talk about memories of xmas, and how my sisters told me santa was fake! lol I'm the youngest.
Unfortunately, Christmas in the USA was made for middle class and upper class people. I have never been excited about Christmas. I am 43 with a new family, and I try to lie my way through Christmas for their sakes. You all have fun, but remember the poor this Christmas.
I am 31 and do still get excited for x-mas! I love this holiday!
Yes I still get excited about Christmas!!!! I love it all the sounds and smells that take me back to being 6 again. Merry

I'm 30 and absolutely love Christmas. I love shopping for gifts, it can be frustrating, but finding the right thing for everyone and seeing the looks on their faces is the icing on the cake.

I do miss being a kid and running to see what Santa brought,but now I get to be Santa which is even better. Writing letters with my daughter, watching her wait for the mail for a response and hearing her excited shouts Christmas morning, makes everything worth it. I love being able to give my daughter the Christmas I never had, full of fun,love and family. Best Wishes. :)
I still get excited just becuase to get a whole bunch of cool new things
I still get excited about Christmas. But I think I get more excited about it because of my kids.
I'm 27 and I still get excited about Christmas, it's the one time of the year that I love the most.

I love setting up the various decorations, listening to Christmas music, watching Christmas specials/movies, as well as eating certain foods that we only bake around this time of year.

I also anticipate the first snowfall in December in hopes that it will stick around for a white Christmas.

As a kid I did believe in Santa, and there's that child like part of me who still wants to believe in him and the magic of Christmas.
i'm 27 and yes i still get excited about christmas. not to receive all those gifts, but to see that priceless look on my 3 kids faces when we start to put up the christmas tree, lights and decorations. last year my baby was only 3 months at christmas and didn't pay much attention to any of it but this year at 14 months he was squealing with joy and clapping his hands when we turned on the lights to the tree and brought out the ornaments. he even tried to help put them on! christmas is all about my beautiful kids now and all the stress of holiday shopping and frustration with decorating is all worth it to see how happy and delighted they are every time i turn the christmas lights on.
Yes, but not as much. My excitement comes from the temporary kindness people have during the Christmas season and the expressions on the faces of the young ones of whom I bought the presents for when they open up my gifts. I get pretty generous during during the holiday seasons.
I'm 19 and feel like I'm 25. I've been married 3 years, and didn't have the best Christmas the first two years. But this year things are better. The spirit of Christmas will never leave me. I always get excited. When eggnog hits the stores I get some, when they start playing xmas music, I turn it up, my heart always jumps for joy during Christmas. I love it. As for Santa, when I was 16, I knew and had known for a few years that there is no Santa, but that kept Christmas Christmas, and I kept the tradition for my sister's sake who was 9. How would it look for her to get presents from Santa and not me? That I was bad? Santa forgot me? There is no Santa? I couldn't let that happen. My mom told me that I could ';believe'; as long as I wanted to believe. And she knew that I knew.
Heck yeah i still get excited about it, because i love seeing most of the family and eat the great food that my grandparents make, as an adult i still get gifts in the form of cash which i think is better, and christmas day football or basketball is also another reason, i love the holidays maybe more than before!!
I'm 59 and loved it as a kid Santa an presents. Loved loved it in my youth, deciding what to get my girlfriend. Loved it very much once I was married and children, watching as they tore through the wrappings to find the treasures inside. Children grew and moved on with there lives an I was a little dishearten ,then I bought a Santa suit. I would go to friends houses that had small children. Unannounced and spend a short time with each family, of course a special president for each child. Some have grown and still look at the photos and wounder who was that Santa that they were sitting with,still today not knowing it was me. I now have grandchildren and love to watch them as they open presents then one of my friends stops in as Santa,my god how I love to see there faces when Santa stops in with a special present for them. An yes I still today put on the suit and make some rounds. I LOVE CHRISTMAS, because YES Santa is real, for me and many children I've seen...
I'm 22, and I usually am not thrilled about Christmas, but I am very excited this year because it will be the first time that I will be home since school began.
I am 24 and I never really believed in Santa, my parents were too modern for that :) I love Christmas more now then before. I finally have a place of my own this year, no roommates (yeah!) and it was so much fun decorating. I look forward to baking and spending time with friends. The music and the lights. The tree and decorating. Buying and wrapping gifts. I could go on and on. I love Christmas, as long as gifts don't include money which is so inpersonal, I am all for the presents too :)
Baa Humbug
Yes I'm 26 and I really do like christmas. I love putting up my tree and i always find an excuse to buy new decorations. And I can't wait to have my own kids so that Santa can come to them! It's exciting to see what presents people give me. Also I am a school teacher so the kids at school are so excited in the lead up and I think i get sucked in by them!
I'm 39, and I love christmas. love the idea of giving as well as recieving gifts, being with family, just having a holiday
I' m sixteen

I never belived in Santa
I am in my 30's and still love the whole holiday....it is a time for lots of giving and recieving but also mysterious things too....you never know what will happen.
13 I still love Christmas! I always will...in my heart I know there is no Santa but I still like to believe there is just for fun!
I think youre spot on about santa being the spirit of christmas. I think its easier to get excited about christmas when there are young children involved (not in a dodgy way I may add) for example I have a niece of 18 months, that gives me carte blanche to be as christmassy as I like!
i am 47 %26amp; i get so excited at christmas time~~i do miss being younger %26amp; believing!!
I'm 24 and just as giddy and excited about Christmas as my two toddlers...oh my poor hubby. lol.
I totally miss the days when Santa was real!!! My mom created the BEST x-mas days for us. She really went all out. I still love the holidays but cheesy as it is, I love to give back that same feeling now. I love the lights, the shopping, family, decorating...I love it!!
i'm 19 and YES i miss my childhood, when i actually got excited about x-mas, i really dont get that excited about x-mas anymore, maybe decorating for it is fun, but other than that-i really dont care for it, i mean presents are always the same, but unless i get a flight ticket to europe as a x-mas gift, i really dont care much for x-mas
I never didm yparents didn't lie to me.
I';m 32 and I never ever believed in Santa Claus.

I like the lights, the festivities, the celebration of family and togetherness. That's something I think I appreciate more now than when I was a kid and thought only about presents.
I'm 31 and when I was a kid I LOVED Christmas! It was so cool believing in Santa. My mom made sure Christmas was really fun too, we strung popcorn and cranberries and listened to Christmas tunes and stuff. When I was little, Christmas always took FOREVER to come, and as you get older it seems to come before you know it.

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