Wednesday, January 13, 2010

What are the purposes of teenagers surfing Youtube?

Any advantages of Youtube to teenagers?What are the purposes of teenagers surfing Youtube?
Entertainment for most teens, but I also use it for DIY projects, and to get instructions for certain things. There are many channels made solely for hair and makeup how tos. Also, it allows budding young directors to post their short films and get feedback from older directors who have more experience. Another purpose is to communicate with loved ones who are currently living far away. You can post a video each day explaining how life is going at home, and the person living in a different country can open youtube and watch your videos. It's much cheaper than long distance phoen calls once a week.What are the purposes of teenagers surfing Youtube?
what a stupid question. get a job or a new one
pure entertainment
Entertainment thats all.
actually I am 13 and I think youtube is awesome. Its more then just entertainment. First of all, when I post videos it gives me life experiance, connecting with every one in the world now, and learning to take their critisism in the right way is a good thing so it gives me some experiance. I also think it's nice when ppl give positive feedback, it makes me feel good Youtube has benefits!
  • no makeup
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